27 June 2009

Finder Tweaks

This article from Lifehacker I found quite interesting, though I only applied a few of the tricks myself. The two tricks from the article I applied were the ability to view the contents of compressed folders and normal folders in QuickLook.

I underutilise QuickLook myself, and these should allow me to use it more than I currently do. The instructions for both are the same: download the QuickLook Generator file from the website and paste it under ~/Library/QuickLook and restart Finder. (The easiest way to restart finder is to hold Alt, right-click the Finder icon in the dock and select "relaunch."

For viewing compressed folders, download the file here.
For viewing normal folders, download the file here.

The article is great and definitely worth a read.

10 June 2009

Show Hidden Files and Folders

As I am a curious sort, I always want to know exactly what is on my hard drive. One thing that always irks me about OS X is all of the hidden files and folders. Because of this, I prefer to keep them hidden. However, it is always good to know how to reveal them, and as such I will tell you how here.

Open Terminal and type the command:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

This reveals the hidden files and folders.
Hit enter and then type the command:

killall Finder

This restarts Finder so the folders and files will be visible.

To revert it, the process is basically the same. Open Terminal and type:

defaults write com.apple.finder ShowAllFiles FALSE

Hit enter and then type:

killall Finder

A utilitarian trick all should know.